To delete or not to delete…?

Half tempted to delete this blog since I hardly ever use it anymore.  Hm….

Ah well,  in the mean time…

Moved to OKC and have been living with my wonderful fiancé for almost a whole year now and it’s damn nice living in a place where I don’t know anyone besides my fiancé,  his brother,  his sister – in-law and other immediate family.  Like,  Valley Brook is so big,  NO ONE knows somebody and/or your business,  it’s quite nice.

Also the town Mayor is pretty chill too,  first time I met him was 4th of July night,  this year,  and Andrew went to hug him and say hi and the Mayor was like “I don’t want a hug from you,  I want a hug from her.” 😂😂😂 I died.

Oh man.  I love my fiancé so damn much. I’ve never had love like this for someone and it feel’s fucking great. He’s stupidly multi talented and so very handsome,  everytime I look at him I just get so many butterflies and I just want to die of love and happiness overdose. He really is my better half.

(Even when he’s being annoying and acting like a child,  I still love him.  😂😍)


He’s the one ❤


So past relationships,  I’ve never loved anyone like I love my now bf ❤ he’s just amazing In every single way imaginable and just makes me insanely happy and is just all around my better half. His family and friend’s aren’t a bunch of assholes, and I actually like them a lot.  Every day is never a dull moment 😂 gotta go through a bunch of shit,  to find THE one,  and I’ve gone through so much shit till I found my Mr. Right ❤ he’s my absolute world and I’m never letting this nerd go.  ❤❤❤💋



Hey guy’s, i’m back.

Hey guy’s! i know I’ve been absent for a while, but I’ve had a lot going on in the last year.

  1. i had surgery a couple month’s ago to have my gall bladder and stones removed (that wasn’t fun, considering i was hospitalized for 5 days total.) But on the bright side, my bf (and parents/grandmother) were there as often as they could be the whole time, and i had a wonderful staff taking care of me. My surgeon David, Baker and his PA Tracy were absolutely wonderful, humble, and helpful. But now i believe my stent is starting to cause me issue’s so i’ll have to go back to Freeman and have a KUB done on Thursday, i’m crossing my fingers and hoping i won’t need to be hospitalized again, let alone need another surgery.
  2. My Mixer channel is coming along just fine, and I’ve made many new friend’s along the way, and met lot’s of new people. i wouldn’t have it any other way!
  3. Getting on disability is a total pain cause everyone is sending me in circles instead of giving me a clear answer and the help i need to get it done. But oh well, i’ll keep trying till it get’s done.
  4. there will be a bill in May to legalize marijuana and i really hope it get’s passed!
  5. There’s a massive teacher strike going on in OK atm because our govt. is failing public education, it’s students, and it’s teacher’s.
  6. Finally, my boyfriend and i will have hit a year together this month, and it’s been a long and stressful journey, but we made it this far.

Bout damn time

So my boyfriend and i have been jumping through hoop’s trying to get approved on a loan, and it finally happened. We’ll be house hunting this Tuesday and i’m super excited.

The next big part of our relationship is about to start.

My clan

So my clan is coming along quite well on both xbox and ps4, so far i’ve got 8/100 member’s, 3 more that i’m waiting on and it’ll be up to 11! Hopefully i can hit close to 15 or so by the time D2 releases.


So my brother and his wife are coming down to visit for a week, and my mom pick’s them up from Tulsa tomorrow night… Time to try and avoid him like the plague.


so today we didn’t even house hunt; instead we had knott’s for lunch and ran around getting info from his job’s and the IRS to see if we can get pre-approved for HUD housing. He could tell i was out of it, tired, and crabby.